Four Months Pregnant

First week of school is over, and I'm sleepy.

It's going good so far, I like my teachers, band has way more people so it's much more interesting this time. We even have an oboist this term, so that's awesome. I've never seen one up close. My Zoology teacher is great. He's such a dork, he jumps all over the place when he lectures. I love it though, it makes it more fun. I'm already immensely interested in the subject, but he helps make it more than just a lecture.

We'll have to dissect lots of stuff. He said the 'carnage level' of this lab is pretty high, but I think I'll be able to handle it. I asked him how those animals are obtained, and he assured me it is all very humane and stuff, so I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it.

I should be alright though. A couple weeks ago, Thor tried to bring a dead, mutilated rabbit up on the porch. I got him inside and then me and mom went down to check out what exactly it was. It was a rabbit with its ears chewed off and its stomach pretty much eaten. I had to poke around in it to make sure it didn't have maggots and stuff in it. That didn't bother me really at all. For some reason, the dogs killing something doesn't effect me hardly at all. The rabbit should have been faster. I wouldn't want to see it happen.. that probably would bother me, but the aftermath of it wasn't too bad.

I got my hair cut Thursday. I took about 8 or 9 inches off and got it layered. The shortest layers frame my face, but the longest part reaches to the middle of my shoulder blades. I'll post a picture of it sometime. It looks a lot better, really, but I kind of miss having to move my hair out the way when I pee.

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat on Thursday, too. It was really fast and weird sounding, but it was neat to hear it. I kept reading that hearing it would drive it home more, make the pregnancy seem more real, but I don't think it did. The whole thing still seems very surreal.

Video Games and Baby Crap

I've been playing lots of old video games lately. I just beat Super Mario Bros. 3.. I really don't know how I figured half of that crap out when I was little. Even with help from friends, I still don't see how. That game really pisses me off, but I beat it, dammit.

I've been playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) again, too. I've already beat it about four times, but it has one of the best storyline twists in video game history. It also has a changing storyline depending on whether you play light side or dark side. Dark side is kind of easier, you get more money from people you cheat or beat up, and you get force lightning and force kill and stuff like that. I always feel horrible when I play dark side though. Light side is a bit too goody-goody for me, but dark side is just as bad. I guess if I really was a Jedi, I'd be more neutral than anything. Wow
, I'm a loser.

KotOR is a great distraction though. There's a lot of good characters in it, with some pretty interesting back stories. HK-47 is the best, though. I think most people that have played the game will probably agree. He's hilarious. As much guilt as I feel playing the dark side, HK always makes it seem funny to murder innocent people en masse.

Click picture to enlarge.

We went to this big sale on kid's stuff at the Civic Center today. We got a crapload of stuff and only spent around $120. Lots of brand-new looking blankets, some white onesies, some sweaters for me (>_> I like sweaters), a diaper genie (for $4!!), a baby backpack carry-thingy..I dunno what they're called, a really nice white wooden crib, with the mattress. Just need a new mattress cover. I was thinking about painting it a sage green color, but really it doesn't need it. I'll have to see what color bumper and other crap I get for it, and then maybe paint it to match. I like anything green, brown or beige though, so really it'll probably be those colors. They're neutral, too, which is good because I still don't know the sex. Even if I did though.. I don't really like pastels.. especially pink. Unless it's Hello Kitty >_> heeehee

For Rick

A friend asked me to post some more details about that high chair I wanted, so here it is:

I saw it on a TV show first, it apparently got the best rating for easiest to clean, and longest lasting since it eventually converts into a chair for children up to 6 years old.

Here's some websites about it:

It's called the Nest High Chair, so it may be found cheaper somewhere else. I have seen it on sale once, but that one was pink and it sold out fast.

Ok, I'm off to the museum today. Should be fun!
I'll write more later.

Pet Love


I am really weird with my pets. Just now, I was in the bathroom with Luna, one of the kitties, the female. She's the crazy one, as female cats usually are, and she loves to explore. I always open all the cabinets and the shower curtain for her while I'm in there so she can go sniff around. Occasionally she comes to me, jumps up on my knees, digs her claws in and meows; as if to say, "This is satisfactory."

Shippo, the male kitty, is the only cat I've ever met that let's me rub his belly. He'll actually roll over for me. Sometimes I go overboard and love him too hard, >_>, and he runs away, but he always comes back for more.

The dogs are the weirdest, though. Complete opposites of each other, really. Zeus is big and noble, while Thor is just scared of everything. Even when Zeus was a puppy he feared nothing. Thor is just a wuss. But I loves him anyway. He actually wants me to cuddle him a lot, whereas Zeus just tolerates it, and not from everyone. Thor's having a hard time learning his strength, and how to play rough but not so rough you destroy people. Zeus learned this pretty quick, or it could just be my biased memories.

Zeus always seemed like such a partner for me. He's always been way more than a pet to me. Thor is too, but with Zeus it is definitely stronger. I read a book about dogs, called The Other End of the Leash. In the book, there was the opinion that although dog lovers would probably
have many dogs through-out their lives, there will always be that one dog. The one you cherish the most, the one where it seems like you always know what he's thinking, and he knows exactly what you mean when you tell him something. Zeus is that dog for me.

When I came back from the potty just now, I looked Zeus dead in the eye and said, very dramatically, "Zeus! I am your father."

I swear he rolled his eyes.

Babies, books, and funnies

There's way too much baby crap I want. There's just too much crap out there for babies. Hardly any of it is really needed; it's just pretty.

One thing I really want though is glass baby bottles. I don't care how crazy you think I am. I did a report on how a chemical in plastic (Bisphenol-A) can be harmful to even future generations. So I'm thoroughly paranoid now. Plus the glass bottles aren't that expensive, so I think it'll be ok.

There's this $500 high chair that looks all modern and pretty and can transform into a booster seat and then a regular lil' chair for 6 year olds. I want that, too, but it's just too much.

I haven't found a new book to read yet. I've got a bunch I should read, I just don't feel like it. I think I'll reread the Pellinor series sometime soon, before the last book comes out. I have a feeling I've forgotten some of it.

My horoscope today is hiliarious:
Sagittarius Horoscope for August 4, 2008 The keys to getting your way likely lie in your ability to strongly project your own personality in such a way that it overpowers others. This can make you the dominant, alpha player in your surrounds, but you may pay the price of resentment by others who feel pushed out of the way.
I do that everyday! >_>


Books are such a good distraction from everything. I just got the new book in Stephanie Meyer's series (Breaking Dawn) yesterday. I already finished it. Yes, I'm a loser.

For some reason I just love teen fantasy books. I like adult fantasy, too, but the ones for teens just seem more... fantastic. Like that crap would ever really happen. I like it because it helps me escape better I think.

I've been reading and listening to the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I'm on the sixth book right now, and I really love it, too.

I need more though, more distractions. No matter how hard I think about crap, I never get closer to any conclusion. Right when I think I'm there, someone has to say or do something that just completely ruins it.

I'm trying to do what's right for my kid, but apparently, that isn't good enough for some people. Well, as far as I'm concerned, this is my kid, and it's my life. I have a good sense of right and wrong, and I also have good sense of judging personalities. I can't let this stuff get to me. I'm going to try really hard to be a good mom, and that's all I can do.

I need more books...



People are like lightning. Electricity... impulse, action... impulse, reaction...

First law of Thermodynamics. People are energy, yet energy in this universe stays constant. Where does it come from? Where does it go? God?

Nah. Earth creates it, earth takes it.

Where'd the initial spark come from? Things can't live in a vacuum like space, right? Wrong.

Funny how no one ever talks about this. Creationists are too scared I guess:

"I always thought the most significant thing that we ever found on the whole...Moon was that little bacteria who came back and lived and nobody ever said [anything] about it."
~ Apollo 12 Commander Pete Conrad

So many things.