Six Weeks to Go

So it's been forever since I posted. Sorry about that, I haven't really been much in the mood. Lots of crap has been happening lately, and I'm sure whoever reads this has heard at least one version of the story. Suffice it to say, it's getting harder and harder for me to write on this blog without telling all about what's happened. Honestly though, I'd rather not deal with what that would bring.

Logan's room is finally complete (unless I decide to add more to it, that is). I think everything looks great and it's all sooo cute! Everyone that came for Christmas loved it, with the exception of the father, of course. I don't think he really even looked twice at any of it; he certainly didn't ask to see it or mention what he thought of any of it.

Anyway, here's some pictures of it for those of you that haven't seen it. This first one just shows a little bit of the clothes we've already got for him, the rest of his clothes are in the dresser.

This used to be in our kitchen, painted brown. Mom had the excellent idea of using it as a changing table. I think it looks perfect!

I've wanted that Wolf's Rain wall scroll for probably about 3 years now. It's always been one of my favorites, I just never thought I had a place to put it since my walls in my room are completely covered. I think it looks great in there, though, and kinda matches that puppy theme. >_> Kinda.

I just want to say thanks again to Aunt Genie and Aunt Reese. The Bananafish Spot decorations are sooo adorable, I love them so much!

My Christmas went pretty good, considering. It could have been a lot worse, and probably would have been if I hadn't held back everything. Still, it was great to see my sister, her husband and the kids. I still can't believe me and Sarah beat everyone in Trivial Pursuit, we are so smart. @_@ (not really...we got really lucky :D)

Oh, if anyone needs the link to the 4-D ultrasound pictures, here it is:

Me and mom are working on getting my hospital bag packed. I'm just trying to make sure I don't forget anything. I've been making an I-pod playlist to listen to while I'm in there, but I don't know if I'm picking the right music. I'm just trying to pick anything that makes me calm and soothed, and so far that's mostly video game music. That doesn't really surprise me much, but what does is that most of it is from Silent Hill games. I guess I'm just weird that way. @___@

Well, it's 1:30 in the morning, and I'm tired. I shall leave you all with a picture of our new doormat. Yes, we really have this, and yes, I do think it's hilarious, and if you don't, then you totally don't deserve to be reading this blog:

Babies, animals and band (Oh my!)

Yesterday was my birthday. I can't believe I'm 26. I still feel 18, seriously. It was fun though, I got some nice presents and we got to go eat sushi, which is always great even though I can't have beer at the moment. I got Animal Crossing for the Wii, and I luuurves it. There's a sheep in my town named Baabara, which I giggle about everytime I talk to her. (It really doesn't take much for me @_@)

Today was our Holiday band concert. It was informal, in the lobby of the student center, but it was fun. We had a cake and coffee and hot chocolate and stuff and it seemed like everyone enjoyed it. I'm glad I joined band, it's nice to have friends to just goof around with but still have some common goal in mind.

Mom took some pictures of me today, and since everyone's been asking me for one I figured I'd go ahead and post one. I look huge, but at least I have an excuse now. :D

That's all you get unless you're family, so you better be happy with it. @_@

Everything else is going good so far. The animals are doing good. I haven't posted any pictures of them in awhile, so I took some for you (I know I know, how could I wait so long!?):

Kitties warming bellies by the fire.

Zeus sleeping. I love it when he curls up in a lil ball. Ok...a big ball. >_>

Luna. I love this picture of her, even though she's half blinking.

Thor likes to be covered up when he sleeps, even his head.

We got the baby's room almost all done. I took out all my video game systems (see.. I'm sacrificing >_>) and the TV stand and moved in an old style buffet table we painted white to use as a changing table. It looks great in there, when we finish it I'll post some pictures of it. Although I doubt that room will be used much, but when we're upstairs he will be changed in there I guess. He's gonna be sleeping with me for awhile just because it'll be easier to nurse that way.

I'ma go back to playing my video games now while I have the chance. @_@