Logan was screaming last night while we were watching a movie, so I just had to take this video. He's such a weirdo.Everything's been going good here. I think I've finally got Logan into taking longer naps during the day. He used to just sleep for 20 or so minutes at a time, and then he'd get really grumpy. Now, I take him upstairs to my bed and feed him in there and he sleeps for 3 or 4 hours sometimes. Only thing that kind of sucks about it is that I usually have to sit there with him for a half hour or more until I'm sure he's really asleep.
His four month birthday is coming up soon. I'm dreading it though because it means he has to go get more shots. Just thinking about putting him through more of that makes me want to cry.
Logan's awake now, so I'll post some more stuff later, I need to take some more pictures.
Here's another video of Logan laughing. He hardly ever laughs for me, he smiles at me all the time, but Grandma always gets the big laughs.
I finally got him to laugh for me though, so here's the video.
Mom and I watched a movie today called "The Walker". It was a weird movie, but one question it asked was whether you would choose being honest over being loyal. It's a tough decision for some people, but for people like me, it's simple. Loyalty always triumphs.Both are incredibly important to me, even to the point of hypocrisy. Case in point: I'm allowed to bitch at my mom. When she makes me mad, I'm allowed to tell her about it because I've always stood by her side. Everyone else, however, is not allowed to bitch at my mom. I don't care who you are, you are not entitled to get mad at my mother, only I have that right. For some reason, this makes sense to me, even though I know it's hypocritical. I feel I'm the most loyal to my mom, and in telling her that I'm upset I'm being even more loyal. Everyone else, though, is just being an ass.If it came down to being loyal to mom by being dishonest and losing something vital, or telling the truth and betraying loyalty, that's an easy choice for me. Mom has given up everything for me, and I would do the same for her. I would lie for her, definitely.I guess it depends on the situation, though. Loyalty to someone I hardly know is not worth throwing away honesty. Loyalty to someone that's been loyal to me is much easier to maintain.I don't know why I think about crap like this.
Logan was officially three months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast it's going. I start school next week, so things will probably slow down a little, but I still can't believe it's May already.
Here's some pictures of Logan on his three month birthday:

"Yar, matey!"

My first Mother's Day was really nice. Mom and dad took me out to eat sushi and gave me a very pretty mother-themed necklace with earrings to match. I'll have to take a picture of it to post on here.
I should probably save this for Kronos Rex since that blog is private, but I really don't care anymore. Ryan called me on Mother's Day to wish me a happy mother's day, and then went on to tell me how wrong I am about him and his family. I had told him the day before that if his family really cared, they would have sent a card, at least in response to the birth announcement. He said, "How were they supposed to know to send a card?" I told him that since Tiffany sent a card and a gift, they can't all not know to do this.
When his cousin Courtney was graduating from high school, she sent out graduation announcements. We got one and sent back a congratulations card with $50. If she knew to send out announcements for it, she learned that from her mom, Ryan's aunt. How is this any different from sending out birth announcements and expecting a congratulations card back from people that claim to care? I also said he and his family could have at least responded to the pictures and videos me and mom sent them. He says he shouldn't have to reply to the emails.
I was going to just leave it at that, but I decided to send him, his sister and his mom pictures and videos one more time, just to give them all one more chance. (How many fecking chances do these people need, seriously?) I also wrote them all an email telling them all this personally instead of just letting Ryan lie to them some more. I went on to talk about how Logan is doing in the email and gave them me and mom's email addresses again so they have absolutely no excuse not to write back. I have yet to get a response from any of them. I even wrote in the videos and pictures email that I would like a response to make sure they got them, but no, nothing.
Of course not.
I'm so finished with these people. I wanted cards and emails for Logan so I could put them in his baby book and show him later that his family on his father's side has loved him from the beginning just like we have here. But that's fine, if they don't care about Logan then I'd rather they stay away now. It's better for Logan that way; he won't have to go through wondering where they went.
It's going to be very hard to explain to him why his father isn't around when he grows up and asks me. I never want to lie to him, but there are some things you just can't tell kids until they've grown up.
I took these videos today of Logan getting scared of a noise mom makes. It's so cute, but it makes me almost start crying when he does his lip like that. I can't stand seeing him about to cry, but right after he does it, he starts smiling again. He's such a little weirdo.
Things have been going good, pretty much. Logan's still sleeping through the night pretty much. He'll wake up a couple times but I just nurse him a little and he falls right back to sleep. The only problem is that he doesn't like taking naps during the day. He gets a bit fussy when he's tired and tries to fight falling asleep.
I start going back to school soon, on the 18th. I'm only taking one class, so I'll only be gone for about two hours, but it'll still be weird for me. I went to the store last night without Logan, that was the first time I've gone anywhere without him. It was also the first time I've driven in almost four months. I wasn't gone that long, but it felt weird not having him with me.
I'm just glad I don't have to leave Logan with someone I don't really know. He's here with people that genuinely love him, so I know I'm lucky for that.
Logan just started crying in his sleep on mom's lap. He's probably dreaming about her making that noise at him. Poor baby :(
I think everyone that really knows me knows that any offspring of mine will be loud. Logan is definitely starting to live up to that.
I took some more videos of him today. He's started to roll over from his stomach to his back, and I finally got that on tape. We also bought him a new toy for him to lay on. He really seems to like it. He gets upset if he's left on his tummy for too long, but when he's on his back with the toy he screams with joy. He's definitely my progeny.