Jack Thompson and other crap

So, Jack Thompson finally got disbarred. I know, most of you have no idea who he is, and probably don't care, but let me just say that this has needed to be done for a very long time. The man is insane. Here's an article about it, but it doesn't really explain just how completely nuts this guy really is: http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=26607197

We had our band performance today for National Anthem Day. I think it went well and it was a lot of fun. Mom and Dad got to come see it and meet my band director, so I was happy about that. The guy singing the Star Spangled Banner forgot to turn his mic on though, so that sucked, but I think we played pretty well.

Only played six songs, The Star Spangled Banner, Marches of the Armed Forces, Colonel Bogey, Land of 1,000 Dances, the SPSU Fight Song (yes, my school has a fight song), and Jump, Jive, an' Wail.

We'll probably put on a holiday concert later this year, so that should be fun, too.

Baby stuff is going ok. I go through weird periods of ups and downs, which is weird. (All the mothers reading this just rolled their eyes..."Duh!")

For a few days I'll be happy and excited, then for a few days I'll just be scared and wonder what the hell I'm doing. I know it's normal, but it still freaks me out.

I'll write some more later..gonna go to PetsMart and beg for new pets. :D

Baby's First Photo

It's a boy! I'm really really happy but also in quite a bit of shock. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was saying how much they thought it would be a girl. Even I kind of thought it was going to be because I wanted a boy so much, I figured it would definitely be a girl. Ok ok, I'll be honest... I was kind of hoping for it to be a puppy. >_>

The technician said she saw it's little peanut-shaped testicles first* so she knew right away.

Here's the ultrasound pictures, and a couple I've edited to show where stuff is. He really just looks like a little alien right now, haha:

(Click on the images to see them full size)

He was moving around like crazy, kicking his lil feet and stuff. It was weird to see him move so much and not feel it. I feel him move a lot, but apparently I only feel the serious kicks and stuff. He seems to like trig, because he goes nuts when I'm in that class. You would think I would feel him most in band or when I play my keyboard, but maybe because I'm moving around a bit I can't feel it.

My Zoology test went very well, and today would have been a perfect day if certain people hadn't tried to ruin it. Like Dad says though, you learn something from it, and move on. Can't let the crap get to me, but it sure is teaching me a lot about who I thought I knew. It's just crazy to me that some people are still buying crap that is so obviously crap.

Anyway! I'm sleepy. :(

(* The technician didn't actually say this, this is just an inside joke that only certain members of my family will understand. She, the technician, did say she saw the genitals first though, so apparently my boy has a massive penis! Or maybe he just likes to show it off. )

Old Lady-ness

It's pretty bad when staying up to watch Jeopardy is considered staying up late.

If I don't take a nap during the day, though, I'm ready for bed by 7pm. Funny how this pregnancy so far has turned me into an old lady. I go to bed early, take frequent naps, spent the entire summer vacation sober, and complain about feet and/or back soreness.

School is going ok so far. The main things I really look forward to each week are Zoology and band, which is not surprising. Zoology is really interesting, but it makes me want to take a history of science course, which I don't think my school gives. Every Bio class has a brief history of ho
w this crap we're about to learn came to be, but it doesn't go into much detail.

Band is always fun, but this year it's the biggest it's been since I joined. Last semester we only had about 4 or 5 people, and this time we have at least 15, methinks. We're doing the National Anthem concert again this year. Should be better this time, and I think we're playing more songs. After that, we're probably going to do a Holiday concert as well, which will be fun.

Lately, most of my free time has been spent playing my new DS (I suck and dropped my old one, but I do blame someone else for tha
t -.-) and watching TV. I actually did homework yesterday (go me) and that will start to kick in soon now that tests are coming up. Party's over, as they say.

I did have time to make a new desktop wallpaper, finally. I had my Remus Lupin theme up for probably about 4 years or more. Here's the new look, you'll have to click it to see it full size:

I also made some new icons and a new mouse pointer, but they're not quite done yet. This one was easy to make, though. Pretty much just added a green tinted overlay and some difference clouds with a vignette fade. Text is always easy to make pretty, but I've always loved this saying by Kipling, so I had to use it even though it doesn't really fit the picture much. I needed a new green theme, I missed it too much.