Baby's First Photo
It's a boy! I'm really really happy but also in quite a bit of shock. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was saying how much they thought it would be a girl. Even I kind of thought it was going to be because I wanted a boy so much, I figured it would definitely be a girl. Ok ok, I'll be honest... I was kind of hoping for it to be a puppy. >_>
The technician said she saw it's little peanut-shaped testicles first* so she knew right away.
Here's the ultrasound pictures, and a couple I've edited to show where stuff is. He really just looks like a little alien right now, haha:

He was moving around like crazy, kicking his lil feet and stuff. It was weird to see him move so much and not feel it. I feel him move a lot, but apparently I only feel the serious kicks and stuff. He seems to like trig, because he goes nuts when I'm in that class. You would think I would feel him most in band or when I play my keyboard, but maybe because I'm moving around a bit I can't feel it.
My Zoology test went very well, and today would have been a perfect day if certain people hadn't tried to ruin it. Like Dad says though, you learn something from it, and move on. Can't let the crap get to me, but it sure is teaching me a lot about who I thought I knew. It's just crazy to me that some people are still buying crap that is so obviously crap.
Anyway! I'm sleepy. :(
(* The technician didn't actually say this, this is just an inside joke that only certain members of my family will understand. She, the technician, did say she saw the genitals first though, so apparently my boy has a massive penis! Or maybe he just likes to show it off. )
The technician said she saw it's little peanut-shaped testicles first* so she knew right away.
Here's the ultrasound pictures, and a couple I've edited to show where stuff is. He really just looks like a little alien right now, haha:
(Click on the images to see them full size)

He was moving around like crazy, kicking his lil feet and stuff. It was weird to see him move so much and not feel it. I feel him move a lot, but apparently I only feel the serious kicks and stuff. He seems to like trig, because he goes nuts when I'm in that class. You would think I would feel him most in band or when I play my keyboard, but maybe because I'm moving around a bit I can't feel it.
My Zoology test went very well, and today would have been a perfect day if certain people hadn't tried to ruin it. Like Dad says though, you learn something from it, and move on. Can't let the crap get to me, but it sure is teaching me a lot about who I thought I knew. It's just crazy to me that some people are still buying crap that is so obviously crap.
Anyway! I'm sleepy. :(
(* The technician didn't actually say this, this is just an inside joke that only certain members of my family will understand. She, the technician, did say she saw the genitals first though, so apparently my boy has a massive penis! Or maybe he just likes to show it off. )
Me & Dad are very happy you are having a little boy. It will be so weird having a little boy in this you know we were used to having girls..4 of 'em, if fact..and you wonder why Dad is But we feel so blessed you are with us & having this wonderful baby & we will be a part of it. We love you & are very proud of you. As I know all your sisters, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, nephews & nieces feel as we do...and can't wait to meet this new family member. We love you.