Fairies and Quackers
4 Comments »Here's some more pictures of Logan eating, and of him playing with his ducky, Quackers. He loooves his ducky; unfortunately, so does Thor.
I saw again today some Christian citing Leviticus 20:13 against gays and lesbians. What's interesting to me is that they dismiss almost all of the other verses in Leviticus, saying that those verses can be ignored because we don't need them in the modern day.
Things like not planting two kinds of seeds in your fields, not wearing clothes woven of two or more materials, canceling all debt every seven years (imagine that crap going on), even deporting men and women that have sex while the women is on her period. It's ridiculous, we definitely don't need those rules.
We don't need 20:13 either. If you don't know what this verse says, here it is:
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)
The thing about Leviticus is, it was written by the Jews. Now, if you think about it, during the time this was written, there wasn't much in the way of science telling people how things worked. People believed that men were born with a certain amount of sperm (like eggs with women) and were afraid it would run out, and so logically, it would be a sin to waste it. Which is why homosexuality was considered a sin, as well as masturbation.
(Let's not even get into circumcision.. I mean seriously, take a step back and think about that. If your 'god' didn't want your sons to have foreskin, why put it there? It's barbaric.)
Anyway, my point is, if you're going to throw out most of the chapter as outdated, then how can you possibly think any of it is still logical?
The Jews said sex should be used only for procreation, they were trying their best to grow the Jewish population.
My problem with these people is that they preach this total crap to people that just eat it up and believe it wholeheartedly without even giving it a second thought.
If you don't do research on something, even just a little bit, then I'm sorry, but you're ignorant and not entitled to an opinion. If all you did was listen to someone's hate speech and now you think homosexuality is evil (or at the very least unnatural) you're an idiot.
Do your homework kids, here's today's lesson: Google search the phrase "Homosexuality in the animal kingdom" and "homosexuality and evolution". You'll find articles on both sides of the "evil-or-not" spectrum, but until you read them all (which is probably impossible because there are more and more out each day), you can't have a belief system about it. Also, it's the internet, a lot of it is bound to be retarded and certainly not peer-reviewed.
I totally forgot about him eating food. what kind of things does he eat?
dMy baby is so cute,I am glad he likes his toy. Give him a kiss and hug.
He has your eyes, you know.
Hi Emily, Logan, Hey Emily tell Linda I said edi bidi boca boo!edi bidi boca boo!edi bidi boca boo! edi bidi boca boo!edi bidi boca boo! Cant believe how big and handsome he is Emily. Total Cuteness. Love Aunt Reese