Family Photos

We finally got some family pictures taken of all of us and Logan. I'm really glad Amanda was here to be in them with us.

I look like a fat weirdo in all of them, but everyone else looks pretty (even Daddy!) and Logan looks especially cute in them so that's all that matters. (I hate when people tell me to smile big, I end up looking like a weirdo.)

(Remember to click on pictures to make them full size)

They had sippy cups at Babies R Us with names on them, and I found one with 'Logan' on it. He seems to like playing with it, but he gets upset when he tries to put it in his mouth. It's not soft like a nipple, so he gets frustrated and screams at it. It's kinda funny but also a little bit scary.

He's also totally about to crawl. (Yes, I said "totally".) Here's videos!

Crazy Baby Man


Picture time!

Here's some more videos, too. I finally got one of him playing in his new walker. I can't wait til he can start moving around with it. He's also trying to grab everything he sees and put it in his mouth.

Five Months Old

Here's Logan's five month pictures. He looks so cute in his lil' baseball outfit. Carter's brand is so says on the label of that outfit that it's for an eighteen month old baby. There's no way that would fit a kid that old.

We got Logan a baby walker thing. He can't actually walk in it yet because his feet don't quite reach the floor yet, but he likes to sit in it and play with the toys on it. I'll be posting a video of him in it in the next couple days.

Tummy Time

When I feed Logan cereal or fruit, he likes to shove his hands in his mouth and get them covered in the food. This time, though, he rubbed his hand over his face afterward, so he got food all over him. Here's some pictures of it, along with him wearing one of his hats:

He's getting really good at staying on his tummy and playing with his head held up. He tries to crawl, but only succeeds in pushing himself backwards over and over. He's also really good at rolling onto his tummy from his back now, and I got it on video.

I sound like a total idiot, but the baby is cute as crap and that's all that matters: