First Christmas

Happy Holidays!  Today is Logan's very first Christmas.  Here's a crapload of pictures, (heehee):    (Click on pictures for full size)

Logan really loves Uncle David.  He doesn't fall asleep on just anyone.

  We made a lot of cookies for everyone.  

  I got a new haircut and donated my hair to Locks of Love.

  The Christmas Mice came out really good this year.

  It started snowing last night, with the wind gusting up to 50 mph.  It was like a blizzard!  We all wished for a white Christmas, we certainly got it.  It was very cool.

  Logan really liked all of his gifts.  He got so excited and hot we had to strip him!

  This is the same pond as the picture above, taken a few hours later.  The snow really came down.

Yes, that's Thor on the pond out back.  It's still frozen solid, even Zeus walked around on it and he's over 100lbs!

It's been a really nice Christmas so far.  I'm so glad we live here now, it's nice to have so much family around at this time of the year. 

Ten Months Old

Logan is ten months old today, here are his pictures:

I just love his Christmas outfits, but this one is the best because of the reindeer butt.  It's so adorable.

Everything's been going really good.  Me and Amanda are signed up for school, we'll even be taking one class together, which should be fun.  

Logan is doing great.  He's not walking yet, but he seems very close to it.  He says dog and kitty and baby now, and sometimes waves to people.  

This has definitely been a really fun year.

Holiday Season

Here's some pictures we've taken over the last couple weeks.  Logan's been having a great time playing with all the Christmas decorations.  My birthday was really fun.  We had lots of sushi and a vanilla souffle.  

Logan will be 10 months old this Saturday, so I'll be posting pictures for that then.

(Click on pictures to make them full size)