Moogle Costume!

Logan's moogle costume is finished, and he wore it a little bit yesterday and tonight while watching treat-or-treaters. He looks so cute in it, I can't believe how good it came out. All I've ever made before were costumes for teddy bears, it was a bit more tough making a full sized one.

Everything is hand sewn and constructed except for the fleece jumpsuit. The ears are white fleece covering cardboard with purple ribbon in the middle. The wings are purple fabric stuffed with fake snow and tacked on to stand up better. The antenna is a foam ball spray painted orange, hung with regular jewelry wire. It bounces naturally like a real moogle's would. I was going to paint his nose pinkish, but decided against it; he's still too little for that and it would just get everywhere methinks.

For those of you that don't know what a moogle is, here's a couple pictures of what they look like:

Here's some other pictures of him. I don't know what he was doing in this one, but it's cute. The next two are of his first walk with Gampaw in his backpack.

Here's an old video I couldn't get to upload last time. This was when we first moved here. Now he can climb the stairs no problem, I'll get a video of that soon to post:

Here's a video of him in the moogle costume. This shows much better how cute he really is in it, and it shows how the antenna bounces and moves naturally. It's not the best costume ever, but I'm definitely proud of it for being a first time making one:


These videos are about a month old, I just haven't had time to sit down and post them.

I'll be taking some more to post soon. His moogle outfit is almost done, so there'll be pictures of that soon, hopefully.

Eight Months Old

Here are Logan's official eight month pictures.  

As you can see, he's gotten some more teeth, and he's crawling really fast and pulling up to standing on everything.  He really likes watching his grandpa play on the computer.  

I have videos on the camera but I've been too busy to post them.  I will get to it in a couple days hopefully.

Oklahoma State Fair

We've been in Oklahoma for a few weeks now and I love it so far.  The clouds here are very strange but it's really pretty, too.  The state fair is going on here right now and we went to walk around a couple days ago.  It was really fun seeing all the animals and lights.  I think Logan had a lot of fun as well.

It's been pretty crazy trying to get everything switched over to our new address, but everything has worked out pretty well.  

I know it's been forever since I posted pictures, so here you go: