Ebbing Away


I took some more videos of Logan today. He's finally found out how to put his foot in his mouth, and he had his first experience with baby cereal.

I've always been scared of death. Of my own, surely, but mostly of those I love.

I'm especially scared of Zeus dying, or my mom, or Logan. But I've realized something...

The best things in life are fragile and mortal. Without them to cherish, life is truly empty. Maybe they mean so much because they are not permanent. Permanence would lead to taking advantage of it; we would not appreciate it's true value.

Every living thing will die. It will disappear from being and become nothingness. But who's to say it doesn't get recycled? I'm an atheist, sure, but that doesn't mean I presume to know what happens after death. It means only that I admit I don't know, and that really, anything could happen. I'm secure enough in my life to realize that I will probably never see again those that I love, but I also know that I really don't know anything.

So maybe. Maybe.

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