Old Lady-ness

It's pretty bad when staying up to watch Jeopardy is considered staying up late.

If I don't take a nap during the day, though, I'm ready for bed by 7pm. Funny how this pregnancy so far has turned me into an old lady. I go to bed early, take frequent naps, spent the entire summer vacation sober, and complain about feet and/or back soreness.

School is going ok so far. The main things I really look forward to each week are Zoology and band, which is not surprising. Zoology is really interesting, but it makes me want to take a history of science course, which I don't think my school gives. Every Bio class has a brief history of ho
w this crap we're about to learn came to be, but it doesn't go into much detail.

Band is always fun, but this year it's the biggest it's been since I joined. Last semester we only had about 4 or 5 people, and this time we have at least 15, methinks. We're doing the National Anthem concert again this year. Should be better this time, and I think we're playing more songs. After that, we're probably going to do a Holiday concert as well, which will be fun.

Lately, most of my free time has been spent playing my new DS (I suck and dropped my old one, but I do blame someone else for tha
t -.-) and watching TV. I actually did homework yesterday (go me) and that will start to kick in soon now that tests are coming up. Party's over, as they say.

I did have time to make a new desktop wallpaper, finally. I had my Remus Lupin theme up for probably about 4 years or more. Here's the new look, you'll have to click it to see it full size:

I also made some new icons and a new mouse pointer, but they're not quite done yet. This one was easy to make, though. Pretty much just added a green tinted overlay and some difference clouds with a vignette fade. Text is always easy to make pretty, but I've always loved this saying by Kipling, so I had to use it even though it doesn't really fit the picture much. I needed a new green theme, I missed it too much.

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