Monkey Man

Logan was screaming last night while we were watching a movie, so I just had to take this video. He's such a weirdo.

Everything's been going good here. I think I've finally got Logan into taking longer naps during the day. He used to just sleep for 20 or so minutes at a time, and then he'd get really grumpy. Now, I take him upstairs to my bed and feed him in there and he sleeps for 3 or 4 hours sometimes. Only thing that kind of sucks about it is that I usually have to sit there with him for a half hour or more until I'm sure he's really asleep.

His four month birthday is coming up soon. I'm dreading it though because it means he has to go get more shots. Just thinking about putting him through more of that makes me want to cry.

Logan's awake now, so I'll post some more stuff later, I need to take some more pictures.

1 Response to "Monkey Man"

aunt reese Says :
June 3, 2009 at 3:54 AM

Hi lil Emily,
that was so much fun watching logan. i'm so glad you have pixie nom's. i feel like i'm sitting right with you and linda! Give Logan a big hug and kiss for me!

Love you!! Aunt Reese

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